There are many benefits to teaching YPAR in schools. Read about the benefits below!

  • Benefits for Students

    YPAR cultivates students’ research and analytical skills, enabling them to investigate real-world issues and develop a deeper understanding of complex problems. YPAR empowers students by trusting them to use their voice and agency in shaping their own educational experiences, fostering leadership, teamwork, and collaboration skills. YPAR also nurtures a sense of civic responsibility and empathy as students actively engage in addressing social challenges, ultimately preparing them to become active and responsible citizens.

  • Benefits for Teachers

    YPAR enhances teachers instructional practices by prioritizing a student-centered approach that promotes active learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. It offers opportunities for teachers to guide and support students in conducting meaningful research, fostering deeper engagement and rapport in the classroom. Additionally, YPAR empowers teachers to witness firsthand the positive impact of their students' work, fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment.

  • Benefits for Schools

    YPAR creates a positive and inclusive school culture where student voice is valued and celebrated. By addressing relevant issues within the school and community, YPAR fosters a sense of ownership and connection, enhancing school pride and engagement. Furthermore, YPAR projects can lead to tangible improvements, such as policy changes or the implementation of new programs, positively impacting the overall school environment and student well-being.

  • Benefits for the Community

    YPAR promotes collaboration and partnerships between schools and community organizations, fostering stronger ties and collective efforts to address shared challenges. Ultimately, YPAR benefits the community by nurturing a generation of young leaders who are passionate, informed, and equipped to contribute positively to the well-being and development of their communities.

Research Findings on the Benefits of YPAR

Extensive research, including studies by Adrian et al. (2013), Bertrand (2018), Buckley-Maduras & Soltis (2019), Ozer, et. al. (2020), Warren & Marciano, 2018),  Voight & Velez (2018), Zaal & Terry, 2013), consistently reinforces the positive impact on students, schools, and communities.

  • Adrian et al. (2013) found that YPAR enhances students' critical thinking skills and increases their sense of agency and empowerment.

  • Bertrand (2018) highlighted the role of YPAR in promoting student engagement and leadership development.

  • Buckley-Maduras & Soltis (2019) observed that YPAR improves students' understanding of social issues and their ability to advocate for change.

  • Ozer et al. (2020) emphasized the positive effects of YPAR on school climate and community partnerships.

  • Warren & Marciano (2018) identified tangible outcomes such as policy changes resulting from YPAR projects.

  • Voight & Velez (2018) discussed the transformative potential of YPAR in empowering students and promoting positive social change.

  • Zaal & Terry (2013) explored the benefits of YPAR in fostering student voice and community engagement.

SchYPAR Resources

Youth are Change Makers

Youth are Leaders

Youth are Researchers

Youth are Collaborators

Youth are Change Makers • Youth are Leaders • Youth are Researchers • Youth are Collaborators •