YPAR Guide
The general YPAR guide includes over 30 different “sessions,” each with a lesson plan and presentation, aligned with the phases of youth participatory action research (YPAR)—identifying an issue, collecting and analyzing data, and taking action. Sessions are organized sequentially. We encourage you to pick and choose which sessions might be relevant to your needs and to freely adapt these resources as you see fit. The YPAR guide is constantly evolving based on what we learn from our SchYPAR Action Team’s testing.
YPAR Guide Table
Information about the Materials: Materials include the lesson plans and PowerPoint associated with each YPAR session. These materials can be modified to fit your time and schedule. Most of the activities and handouts on this website are adapted or linked from outstanding and longstanding YPAR resources: YPARinschools.com, the Berkeley YPAR Hub from the University of California, Berkeley, and the Youth Engaged in Leadership and Learning curriculum from the John W. Gardner Center at Stanford University. Cleveland SchYPAR gives credit to these groups for their creative contributions and hopes to elevate them here.
YPAR Phases and Steps