YPAR Guide

The YPAR guide includes mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) research. It follows the four-phase YPAR research cycle (Ozer et al., 2015) and a modified version of the sequence (steps and sessions) the John W. Gardner Center created. To get started, reference the table below and familiarize yourself with the YPAR cycle and the guide to select the lessons you want to teach. You can find a PDF copy of the YPAR guide with links to the lesson plans and PowerPoint here.

YPAR Phases and Steps

YPAR Guide Table

Phase/Session #/StepSession Title
Step 1: Understand YPAR and Get Ready for Your Project
1Introduction to Youth Participatory Action Research
2Youth-Adult Power Sharing (setting ground rules)
3Action research (discussion of action research and issue identification)
Step 2: Identify the Issue
4Pick a Topic and begin to develop a research question
5Identify Sources of Information
6Review Literature
Step 3: Decide on Research Method
7Choose a Research Method
Step 4 Planning for Data Collections
8Planning for Data Collection and Decide on Your Research Question (teachers will choose qualitative or quantitative)
Step 5a. Using Qualitative Methods
9aPlanning and Creating Interview and Focus Group Protocols
9b.Planning for Observations: Basic Skills of Observations
9c.Planning for Existing (Secondary) Data Research
9d.Planning for and engaging Art-Based Methods
10Planning for Data Collection (finalizing data collection documents and reflecting on Recruitment)
Step 5b. Using Quantitative Methods
11aDevelop a Hypothesis
11bSurvey Basics and Protocol Development
11cCreate an Introduction
11dData Collection - Administering the Survey
Step 6: Organize and Analyze Data
12Planning for Data Analysis
13Identifying Themes for Specific Methods
Step 7: Reflect and Evaluate
14Reflexivity: Evaluate the Progress of the Research Project
Step 8: Using Research For Change
15Planning for action: Goals and Audiences
16Planning for action: Using your Findings to Make Recommendations
Step 9: Presentation Preparation
17Answering the “So What” and Writing Your Findings
18Presentation Skills: Do's and Don'ts, and Tips for a Successful Presentation
Step 10: Celebrate and Share
19Celebration and Presentations!

Information about the Materials: Materials include the lesson plans and PowerPoint associated with each YPAR session. These materials can be modified to fit your time and schedule. Most of the activities and handouts on this website are adapted or linked from outstanding and longstanding YPAR resources: YPARinschools.com, the Berkeley YPAR Hub from the University of California, Berkeley, and the Youth Engaged in Leadership and Learning curriculum from the John W. Gardner Center at Stanford University. Cleveland SchYPAR gives credit to these groups for their creative contributions and hopes to elevate them here.

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